林永松博士,生于一九六三年五月四日,四川.峨眉, 中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师,中囯公共外交协会理亊,四川美术家协会创作研究院院士.四川省美术家协会理事。北京迷綜皴创作研究院院长。现定居北京。2008年被文化部评为“中国艺坛十大画家”、2009年被文化部评为“中国山水画十大名家”出版物有:《中国美术馆》、《中国美术》、《人民美术》《四川美术》、《天津美术》《河北美术》、《艺术观察》。中国美术家林永松画集。林永松山水画集, 著名中国画家林永松画集, 林永松山水画精品集. 美术家林永松作品集,等等.作品被美国、德国、新加坡、韩国、马来西亚、泰国、日本、澳大利亚、等国家艺术馆及个人收藏。
中 国 画
中国魂 365X145cm
春醉峨眉 115X365cm
大音希声 365X145cm
峨眉山梵音 365X145
峨眉山金顶 365cmX145com
峨眉侧影 365cmX145cm
峨眉山清音阁 365X145
峨眉栈道 365X145
张骞问路 ,365X165cm
华山天下险 365X145cm
江天一色无纤尘 365X145
山天都峰 365X145
泰山 365X145cm
山色不厭逺 248X124 cm
苍山泉鸣 248X124cm
山 月 248cmX124cm
峨眉山金顶 248X124cm
山月 190X 110cm
峨眉醉月 180X97cm
翠扫南天门 248cmX124cm
看泉 68X45cm
雁荡峨眉 137X68cm
苍山留聲 248X124cm
峨眉山月 68cmX136cm
山月多情 180X97cm
峨眉山月 248X 124
翠 扫 峨 眉. 248X123cm
峨眉可以横绝 365X145cm
大美江山 800X250cm
峨眉可以横绝 248X123cm
三峡云起 180X97cm
峡谷铃声出苍山 365X145cm
万里茶道图 137X68cm
山色空濛雨亦奇 180X48.5cm
高峡平湖 180X48cm
大地初醒 222X188cm
托起生命 248X124cm
吉祥如意 68X137cm
喜从天降 137X68cm
映日 136X68cm
皞月 68X45cm
等待 136cmX68cm
盛放 137X34cm
风竹无声 规格:136cmX68cm
Mr. LIN Yongsong and his Art Style in Landscape
WANGang Daming
Mr. Lin YongsongHe is known as an excellent landscape painter in contemporary China. His strength has two basic aspects. On the one hand, he takes little notice of the world around him but he strives alone. On the other hand, his painting is strikingly simpley. He makes little effort to please cover the public, just respects the ancient . Both traditional and trueto nature, no whether others like it or not. He is never eager t please and nevergives up. His thoughts are spread show on the painting paper. Mr. Lin is just this kind of alandscape painter.
The landscape painting of Mr. Lin LIN Yongsong landscape painting may look simple , but in fact it is quite complex in fact. He has absorbed thehis predecessor‘s’ painting skills and created his own way of paringnamed as Mi Mi-Zong-Ccun. His painting is rich in has a rich contents and full of a changesful in vision. His painting skills in landscape painting skills can serve as a research topic. When we look atfacing his art works, we see that he has integrated many kinds of painting skills “cun Cun-caCa-ndDian -ran Ran-gouGou” into a new whole. No matter what the size of his art works is, the painting is direct and fluent.His paintings are eight or twelve feet, ones allsimple, clear and they embrace much indeed. They contain his conception of art and explorative spirit of exploration. We can admire his methods of on the use ofthe ink and water, either ink plot, ink-breaking or splash. Contrasts and collisions between New color aestheticalaesthetics concept on new color andfor traditional painting the deliberate contrasts and collisions, become the color inks all of thesearethe a special signature of the artist‘s unique skills. AdmiringLooking a Mr. Lin’s ink skills in his landscape painting carefully, we see how different he is from those senior great predecessors painters such as Mr. Xiao XIAO Qianzhong or Mr. LIi Keran. But However, there is only a moderate distance difference from that of Mr. Jia JIA Youfu. We can neither deny the There is not denying the fact is an integralinheritance between generations, nor deny relationships with senior painter and the influence of sceneries of Great Sichuan Place have a deepinfluence on him.
You don‘t have to be a professional with a trained eye to appreciate Mr. LINin Yongsong’s picturesart works. While complex, his paintings have a clear unity within their rich diversity in idea.
Intuition and feeling tell us that Mr. Lin‘shis landscape paintings are lack of some kind of romancetic factors, b.But his the paintings are powerful. The painting art skill of Mi-Zong-cun Cun is also powerful and clear. Moreover, Mr. Lin’s LIN Yongsong‘s art works are characterized by the nature of is charged with the unique temperament ofGreat Si cChuan. Perhaps from the traditional view point of view, it they lacks a comprehensive balance. If you have provided with enough time to immerse yourself into his work, you will enter into another world, the world of with green hills, riptides, boats, ……all very colorful and beautiful. Mr. LIN Yongsongin gives has devoted his innermost artistic and , his noble achievements to his dedicated admirers. Gradually you will understand that the lines and , ink strokes and and other the remarkable thingswith these are the artist’s basic tools. Only then can we appreciate the great beauty of these paintings.
The landscape paintings of Mr. LIN Yongsongin‘s landscape paintings display an unparalleled unity in their amazing rich diversity.
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